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Intermediate lesson one - the book of Joshua

Theme: Faith

Background (this is the sixth of 39 lessons)

The five beginner lessons taught us how to lay a foundation with faith that believes, "God will do what He said He will do even if we do not do what we said we will do." The next 31 intermediate lessons leave room for us to (1) choose if we want to learn what God said He would do and (2) choose to build a temple with grace on our foundation of faith.

Learning Objective for Joshua:

Students will choose whether to make a public confession of faith.

Define a public statement of faith: Students agree to learn the next 30 lessons which is The Pattern of Sound Teaching which will teach 30 lessons about how a student can build their temple with grace on their foundation of faith that believes that God will do what He said He will do even if we do not do what we said we would do.

Essential Questions:

Will you make a statement of faith and say AMEN to the Pattern of Sound Teaching?

Does the constant need to control everything come from a place of fear?

What does it mean to be the salt of the earth?

book of Joshua - Lesson one

Students will read pages 2-9 in The Pattern of Sound Teaching.

After students read the information ask them, "What do you want to talk about?"

The Issue:

There is an upcoming court case. The foundation of faith will determine if a person is putting their trust in the sacrifice that Christ made or putting their trust in themself.

The beginners' lesson plans taught us how God would do what He said even if we did not do what we said we would do. In the Old Testament God protected the people who were in a covenant relationship and punished the people who worshiped false gods. People in the Old Testament had hot or cold faith. Hot faith was putting trust in God and cold faith was putting trust in false gods.

Cold Faith: This is your witness testimony: "False gods would protect me from the punishment of God."

Hot Faith: This is your witness testimony: "God will do what He said He will do even if we do not do what we said we will do."

In the Old Testament, Cold Faith did not protect people against the punishment of God.

Please watch the following video to learn about lukewarm faith.

We learned in the beginner's lesson plans (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) that the government, schools, and science are not teaching people to have faith that, "God will do what He said He will do even if we do not do what we said we will do." The world is teaching people that they can have faith in themselves. Lukewarm faith is where people are obsessed with themself and have complete confidence and trust in themselves. Lovers of self with high self-efficacy and low self-efficacy are examples of lukewarm faith.

Lukewarm Faith: This is your witness testimony: "I can achieve my goal on my own by working hard" or "I am unable to achieve my goal because I do not have the abilities". "I can put my faith in myself to think 'I can' or 'I can't' achieve my goal."

Dense and Hot Faith: This is your witness testimony: "Density includes me not losing my saltiness even as I mix with other people in the world who have lukewarm faith, and I am hot because I believe that God will do what He said He will do even if I do not do what I said I will do."

Students will watch a video of me explaining how in the Old Testament people had faith that was hot or cold, but now we have lukewarm faith or dense and hot faith. Your faith is your testimony. Explain hot faith and cold faith then add the deeper meaning to it of how we are mixing together now with lukewarm faith, and when we mix with lukewarm faith, we have to retain our saltiness.

Witnesses in the Old Testament could have hot faith because they were not mixing with the people who had cold faith (Gentiles) they were separating from it. However, now the message is weighed for density because we are to mix with other people and retain our saltiness and also stay hot. This is a witness today. Lovers of self will mix together, and they will lose their saltiness and become lukewarm. This is an example of a person who is going to defend themselves in the upcoming court case between the Lord and the people in and on the Earth.

Faith is a decision to believe something about God or Jesus based on evidence, the kind of evidence that is in a court of law. There is an upcoming court case between the Lord and all the people in and on the Earth. We can have lukewarm faith which is what the world is teaching, or we can have dense and hot faith which is what the word of God teaches. In order to learn how to have dense and hot faith, the next thirty Bible lessons will teach The Pattern of Sound Teaching. A person with high or low self-efficacy will discount parts of the Bible and put their faith in themselves to be in control of their happiness and success. However, the theme of the next 30 lessons of The Pattern of Sound Teaching is to teach us how to be a witness to the word of God while living among people with lukewarm faith who are choosing to defend themselves in the upcoming court case between the Lord and all the people in and on the Earth.

Gentiles in the Old Testament knew that God existed, so they would make up a false god that would tolerate their sin. This was cold faith. This was cold faith because they believed in a false god and sacrificed intentional sin to the false god. This false god was supposed to provide protection for them so God could not punish them. However, God did what He said He would do. He said He would punish the people who served false Gods. The Old Testament has many stories about how God protected the people who did not serve false gods, and how God punished the people who served false gods.

Lukewarm faith is where hope has replaced faith. They love themselves and will sacrifice intentional sin because they have faith in themselves instead of God. They love their own intentional sin more than the word of God. People today can make a choice if they have lukewarm faith that has faith in themselves to save them just as the people in the Old Testament had faith in false gods to save them. People with high self-efficacy will have faith that they can save themselves. People with low self-efficacy will have faith that does not believe they can be saved, so they avoid the word of God. Low self-efficacy gives up quickly and believes there is no salvation to be offered to them. People with low and high self-efficacy are choosing to be a defendant in the upcoming court case between the Lord and all the people in and on the Earth.

Before Joshua had the people make a public confession about their faith, he told them to fear the Lord. God also told Joshua not to fear the people who were serving false gods. Fear was the main theme of the book of Joshua. The constant need to control everything comes from a place of fear. This is why we are to trust God. As it is written in Joshua 1:9, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest" (King James Bible, ).

In the Old Testament, they were to separate from the people who were serving false gods. God also told Joshua not to be scared of the people who were serving false gods. The people serving false gods did not fear the Lord; they had the constant need to control everything because they were living in fear. The Hebrews feared the Lord and trusted the Lord to protect them.

Now we have a message to live among the people who are not fearing the Lord. The next 30 lessons will teach us how to interact with people who have the constant need to control everything or believe they have no control to make things better. These are the people who are choosing to defend themselves in the upcoming court case between God and all the people in and on the Earth.

People in the Old Testament were asked to make a public confession about their faith in the book of Joshua. Joshua had the people make a public confession. As it is written in Joshua 24:22, "And Joshua said unto the people, Ye are witnesses against yourselves that ye have chosen you the LORD, to serve him. And they said, "We are witnesses."

Joshua had the people make a choice if they wanted to choose the Lord or not. After the people all agreed to serve the Lord, Joshua showed the people a stone under a tree and said this stone would be a witness. The stone was a foreshadowing of Jesus coming as the Chief Cornerstone. The stone now is The Rock of Faith that you build your temple (church) on. There is still no sacrifice for intentional sin, so if your foundation includes faith that sacrifices intentional sin upon your rock, you are not building your temple foundation with the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus. People who are sacrificing unintentional sin upon their rock are building their temple foundation with the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus. In understanding what is intentional and unintentional sin, the next 30 lessons will explain how to line our witness testimony up with the Chief Cornerstone.

Just as people in the Old Testament needed to learn to sacrifice unintentional sin, people today also need to learn to sacrifice unintentional sin. The Levitical priests taught people in the Old Testament how to sacrifice. The Levitical priests used the blood of animals to teach the message. The message was not as easy to learn as the message we are able to learn because we learn through the blood of Jesus. However, the people in the Old Testament were instructed to separate from Gentiles (people who did not sacrifice unintentional sin). We are told to live among the Gentiles (people who are not sacrificing unintentional sin).

The stone Joshua showed them was The Rock of Faith which they were able to sacrifice unintentional sin on. Now we are to look to the sacrifice that Christ made and know how to build a temple by sacrificing unintentional sin and living among Gentiles (people who are not sacrificing unintentional sin). We do not have to sacrifice animals now to understand the sacrifice. We can just look at how Christ lived. We are to live among people and be like the salt of the Earth. When something has salt in it, it is denser (heavier) than other things. This keeps other substances from mixing with it. We are to live among one another, but we are not to mix together. Can saltiness lose its saltiness? Yes, if it mixes together with un saltiness.

We are living among people with high and low self-efficacy. The trick is not to let people who are choosing to be defendants in the upcoming court case tempt you to fight back and become a defendant with them. The idea is to be a witness in the upcoming court case. The next 30 Bible lessons are organized with themes to teach a lesson on how to love: God, your neighbor, your enemy, your spouse, your family, and the word of God.

We are to live among Gentiles (people not sacrificing unintentional sin) and build a temple with grace. Because we are not separating from Gentiles, but living among them when we sacrifice unintentional sin it is harder. The big idea is not to fight back when they trespass against us. In saying that a person who is sacrificing unintentional sin should not fight back against someone who is sacrificing intentional sin, we can compare the situation to saltiness. We are to be the salt of the Earth. When we fear a neighbor, an enemy, a spouse, or our family we may act on our emotions. We can be put in emotional situations when people have high or low self-efficacy. However, there is another choice to fear the Lord and put our trust in Him. When we do this, we will look at the sacrifice Jesus made. The next 30 lessons give us examples of how to react. Salt can lose its saltiness, so we have to make sure when we are mixing together not to fear the person we are mixing with.

Students will read

Matthew 5: 13-16

The STEM Activity:

Students will perform an activity to discover how to live among people without losing their saltiness.

Students will be given salt, a tablespoon, 3 cups, a straw, playdoh, water, a medicine dropper, and food coloring (red, blue, and green).

Step 1: Students will mix water, 9 tablespoons of salt, and red food coloring in a cup.

Step 2: Next students will take another cup and mix water, 4 tablespoons of salt, and green food coloring.

Step 3: Then they will take the last cup and add green food coloring to water (no salt is added).

Step 4: They will take the straw and draw two lines on it with a permanent marker. The lines should divide the straw into three equal sections.

Step 5: Students then will put playdoh in the bottom of the straw. This is done so that when the colored water is added to the straw, it will not leak out.

Step 6: Students are tasked with the job of trying to stack the colors, so they do not mix together.

Step 7: Use the dropper and add the different combinations of colors.

red, blue, green. blue, green, red. green, red, blue. red, green, blue. blue, red, green. green, blue, red, etc.

Students are to put the three colors in an order that they do not mix together.

Step 8: When they add the colors, and the colors mix together they are to squeeze the mixed-up colored water out of the straw back into the cup of water and try another combination.

Step 9: The team that layers the colors first, so they do not mix together wins.

Step 10: Students are to explain how this experiment is related to the Bible verse Matthew 5:13-16.

Hint card: Be the salt of the earth. Salt is going to make something denser. Relate it to building The Rock of Faith foundation. Relate the water in the straw to how we are to live among people and build a Rock of Faith foundation that is a light for the world.

When students say AMEN, they are agreeing to learn the strategies of how to live among and not be afraid of people who are defendants in the upcoming court case between the Lord and all the people on and in the Earth. Joshua said not to be afraid and this is still true for people today.


Students are to choose today if they want to make a statement of faith that they are going to learn how to build a Rock of Faith that lines up with the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus. They are agreeing to learn the next 30 lessons that will teach students to line their witness testimony up with the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus, witness testimony. Students have to realize that they cannot be afraid.


Students choose if they want to make a statement of faith to learn how to build a temple with God's grace. Students will be given a printout of the outline of the next 30 lessons, and after they will read it they can choose if they want to make a public statement of faith.


OUTLINE: The next 30 intermediate Bible lessons will teach us how to be a living sacrifice to be saved by grace through faith. I will use the following teaching methods to teach the next 30 lessons.

The horizontal teaching pattern began in the beginner's lessons. The horizontal pattern will continue to be used in the 30 (5x6 the pattern will repeat six more times) intermediate lessons.

The Pattern of Sound Teaching

for people to say AMEN to today

with a public statement of faith

First Vertical Pattern

Theme: Faith Church from Revelation: Laodicea

Lesson Six: The book of Joshua is where people have to choose today if they are going to be a witness or a defendant in the upcoming court case where Jesus judges each human on Earth. The next six themes each have a horizontal pattern like the beginner’s lesson, but as each one is taught a vertical pattern is erected with depth that teaches a standard for people today from the Old Testament to say AMEN to with strategies that the people who say AMEN can use so they will not be afraid of people who are defendants. Each of the themes has a church from the book of Revelation that the message is directed at.

Second Vertical Pattern

Theme: Grace Church from Revelation: Ephesus Love: God

Lesson 7: Judges - In the book of Judges, people realized that they could not be good

if they were mixing God’s grace with a prosperity message.

Lesson 8: 1 Chronicle - In the book of 1 Chronicle people were awakened to realize that

they need to pray for a city that was not built with prosperity but built with

God’s grace.

Lesson 9: Psalms - In the book of Psalms, a psalmist teaches us how to witness when

interacting with a defendant who does not accept God’s grace.

Lesson 10: Lamentations – In the book of Lamentations, we are taught to be a witness

who lines up our testimony on the cornerstone by mourning sin.

Lesson 11: Obadiah is the Lord's ambassador who delivers a message that people who

are not lining up their testimony on the cornerstone will be at war with God.

A defendant has high self-efficacy because of insisting on defending

themselves in the upcoming trial between God and all the people in and on

the Earth. This Church behavior is connected to the next Church behavior

because the prophet Obadiah says seeking prosperity will make you proud

like an eagle. Pride is the next behavior that is presented in ChurchThree:


Vertical link to the next theme: Choose: (1) God's grace or (2) prosperity. These behaviors will develop to include (1) sharing mercy or (2) pride and high self-efficacy.

Third Vertical Pattern

Theme: Mercy Church from Revelation: Smyrna Love: your neighbor

Lesson 12: Ruth - In the book of Ruth, people realized that they could not be good if they

were full of pride because they would deny God’s mercy to their neighbor.

Lesson 13: 2 Chronicle - In the book of 2 Chronicle, people were awakened to realize that

they need to build a temple so they could be taught how to share mercy with

their neighbor.

Lesson 14: Proverbs - In the book of Proverbs a wise man teaches us how to witness

when people are not showing mercy to their neighbor because they are

performing abominations. Abominations are acts that cause hatred and

disgust: people need to be taught to show mercy to people who are

performing abominations and a wise man can teach us this. People who

perform abominations do not fear the Lord. Fear of the Lord is the beginning

of wisdom.

Lesson 15: Ezekiel – In the book of Ezekiel we are taught to be a witness who lines up our

testimony on the cornerstone by holding onto what we have and sharing

mercy by not fighting back against people who are performing abominations.

Lesson 16: Jonah – In the book of Jonah, Jonah is the prophet who did not want to

deliver a message. The book of Jonah teaches that people who are not lining

up their testimony on the cornerstone by warning people with mercy that

God hates abominations will receive God’s wrath. A defendant has high self-

efficacy because of insisting on defending themselves in the upcoming trial

between God and all the people in and on the Earth. Jonah only told the

people to fear the Lord. Jonah was the prophet who did not want to share a

message that included mercy with his neighbor. This Church behavior is

connected to the next Church behavior because the prophet Jonah says lying

vanities will forsake mercy. Vanity is the next behavior that is presented in

Church four: Pergamos.

Vertical link to the next theme: Choose: (1) God's grace & mercy or (2) prosperity & pride. These behaviors will develop to include (1) repenting or (2) lying vanities and high self-efficacy.

Fourth Vertical Pattern

Theme: Repent Church from Revelation: Pergamos Love: your enemy

Lesson 17: 1 Samuel - In the book of 1 Samuel, people realized that they could not be

good if they were using lying vanities to justify fighting back against their

enemy (Gentile who is not sacrificing unintentional sin/ the defendant in the

upcoming court case), so the preacher is supposed to teach us to sacrifice

lying vanities and repent by praying for our enemy and not fighting


Lesson 18: Ezra - In the book of Ezra people were awakened to realize that they needed

to teach people how to prepare their heart to repent by teaching people

God’s statutes and judgments.

Lesson 19: Ecclesiastes - In the book of Ecclesiastes a preacher will teach us to be a

witness by teaching us that there will be statutes and judgments for

abominations and some people will seek prosperity, be full of pride, and

believe lying vanities, so they will not turn. A preacher should teach us

God's statutes and judgments and also how the world is meaningless, and we

have to look past prosperity, pride, and lying vanities.

Lesson 20: Daniel – In the book of Daniel we are taught to be a witness who lines up our

testimony on the cornerstone by being a witness who lives a life that teaches

how meaningless the world is by repenting and not fighting back against

an enemy (Gentiles who are not sacrificing unintentional sin/ the defendant in

the upcoming court case) who is refusing to repent.

Lesson 21: Micah – In the book of Micah, Micah was filled with the spirit of the Lord, and

he was warning people who were not lining up their testimony on the

cornerstone that God would bring judgment to Earth. Micah said the court

case was against all the people of and inside the Earth to listen. Micah stated

two charges (1) the first charge is that people need to line up their testimony

with the cornerstone of God's judgments and statutes because God

will bring judgment to the Earth, and (2) the second charge was against the

kind of message that preachers are teaching. This Church behavior is

connected to the next Church behavior because the prophet Micah’s woes

were to you who are unfaithful by believing a message of prosperity (it

includes pride and vanity) and also to the unfaithful who are teaching a false

message. The next behavior is unfaithfulness. Vanity will cause us to be

unfaithful. Unfaithfulness is the next behavior that is presented in Church five:


Vertical link to the next theme: Choose: (1) God's grace & mercy & Repenting or (2) prosperity & pride & lying vanities. These behaviors will develop to include (1) faithfulness or (2) unfaithfulness (Satan will stand against you) because you have high self-efficacy.

Fifth Vertical Pattern

Theme: Covenant Church from Revelation: Thyatira Love: your spouse

Lesson 22: 2 Samuel - In the book of 2 Samuel, people realized that they could not be

good if they were unfaithful to a covenant relationship. Satan wants to stand

against a man and a woman who enter into a covenant relationship with

mercy, humility, and justice by having them be unfaithful.

Lesson 23: Nehemiah - In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah awakened people to the

importance of protecting the covenant they made with Moses.

Lesson 24: Song of Solomon - In the book of Song of Solomon a man and woman will be

a witness to people of one man and one woman where the husband will

protect the wife and the wife will obey the husband. Remaining single is the

only other option, but only if you avoid fornication.

Lesson 25: Hosea – In the book of Hosea we are taught to be a witness who lines up our

testimony on the cornerstone by forgiving people who repent with zeal.

Hosea was the profit whom God told to marry a whore and take her back

after she cheated on him.

Lesson 26: Nahum – In the book of Nahum, Nahum was the profit who had a vision that

told him whatever we plot against the Lord, He will bring to an end. Then the

problem will not surface two times. Nahum discussed how people view God's

character to fit their idea of what the character and style of God should be

like. God is love; this is how people view the character of God. People leave

out the part about God being jealous and angry with fury to protect the

people with who He is in the covenant. He was warning people who are not

lining up their testimony on the cornerstone that God is a jealous God. This

Church behavior is connected to the next Church behavior because the

prophet Nahum explained how God is love, but people leave out the part

about God being jealous and angry with fury to protect the people He is in a

covenant with. The next behavior is jealousy. Unfaithfulness will cause us to

be jealous of the people who are in a covenant. Jealousy is the next behavior

that is presented in Church six: Sardis.

Vertical link to the next theme: Choose: (1) God's grace & mercy & Repenting & Faithfulness or (2) prosperity & pride & lying vanities & unfaithfulness (Satan will stand against you. These behaviors will develop to include (1) living by the spirit with peace or (2) being jealous of people living by the spirit and living by the flesh with low self-efficacy.

Sixth Vertical Pattern

Theme: Holy Spirit Church from Revelation: Sardis Love: your family

Lesson 27: 1 Kings - In the book of 1 Kings, people in a covenant relationship realized that

they could not be good if they were put in untoward situations (situations

where we have no control) by the people who are refusing to repent or

remain in a covenant relationship because they are satisfying the flesh.

When people deny the Holy Spirit, they are satisfying the flesh because they

are jealous of the people who are living by the spirit.

Lesson 28: Esther - In the book of Esther, Esther awakened people to the importance of

standing against laws that satisfy the flesh and not the spirit. The way to

control the untoward situations are to make laws that reflect the spirit and not

the flesh. Lesson 29: Isaiah - In the book of Isaiah, the spirit of the Lord teaches us how to witness

against the standard when it satisfies the flesh.

Lesson 30: Joel – In the book of Joel, we are taught to be a witness who lines up our

testimony on the cornerstone by thinking before acting when we are in

untoward situations. We need to repent and call on the Holy Spirit.

Lesson 31: Habakkuk – In the book of Habakkuk, Habakkuk explained how to

communicate with the Holy Spirit. Habakkuk moved from an unbelief to a

belief that God will be able to save him, and he was warning people who are

not lining up their testimony on the cornerstone that God will punish people

who are not living by the spirit. We need to have faith that Jesus can save us

and also have faith that people who do not have faith that God will punish us

will be sent to hell. This Church behavior is connected to the next Church

behavior because the prophet Habakkuk explained not to be prejudiced.

Prejudice will cause one witness to be against another witness. Prejudice is

the next behavior that is presented in Church seven: Philadelphia.

Vertical link to the next theme: Choose: (1) God's grace & mercy & Repenting & Faithfulness (you will stand against Satan) & to have a Holy Spirit or (2) prosperity & pride & lying vanities & unfaithfulness (Satan will stand against you) & Jealous of people who are living by the spirit. These behaviors will develop to include (1) witnessing by lining up your testimony on the Chief Cornerstone that wants to save people from an eternal hell or (2) being prejudiced to cause one witness to testify against another witness because you do not realize the importance of the word of God that He will do what He said He will do even if you do not do what you say you will do.

Seventh Vertical Pattern

Theme: word of God Church from Revelation: Philadelphia Love: word of God

Lesson 32: 2 Kings - In the book of 2 Kings, people realized that they could not be good

if they were prejudiced to cause one witness to testify against another


Lesson 33: Job - In the book of Job was awakened to realize the importance of the word

of God. God woke up Job to realize that Satan was testifying against him.

Lesson 34: Jeremiah - In the book of Jeremiah, Jerimiah was a witness who shared the

word of God. God put His words in Jeremiah’s mouth and most people

rejected the word of God. Now we are to have a spirit like Jeremiah and

share the word of God.

Lesson 35: Amos – In the book of Amos, we are taught to be a witness who lines up our

testimony on the cornerstone by being a witness who realizes that some

people do not hold others accountable for knowing the word of God, but

God has revealed Himself to everyone. Amos clearly states that the

surrounding nations of Israel will be judged by the standard of how they

treated other people. God has revealed Himself to everyone not only through

the word of God but also through God’s creation.

Lesson 36: Zephaniah – In the book of Zephaniah, Zephaniah explained the fate of people

who are not lining up their testimony on the cornerstone to be a witness to

the social justice that Jesus is going to bring according to the word of God.

This speaks of the wrath of God which will be discussed further in the

advanced lessons (the last three books of the Old Testament). We need to

remember the promised return of Christ because Christ will judge all men in

righteousness. We cannot let our fear hinder us from being a witness. When

our fear hinders us from being a witness, we commit the unpardonable sin of

blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the final behavior

that is the result of not building our temple with the Chief Cornerstone.

Lessons 37, 38, and 39 are the advanced lessons of how to turn or burn.

God will do what He promised He will do even if we do not do what we promised we will do. We need to be autonomous learners who learn what the Creator expects the creation to do. We are not pieces of paper; we are human beings. God created us in his image. We have free will to choose to learn what God promised to do. By making a statement of faith we are agreeing to learn what God said He is going to do. The Pattern of Sound Teaching will then teach us how to build a temple on the foundation of faith that lines up with the sacrifice that Christ made. The world will not teach this message, you are responsible to learn it on your own. God created humans in His image, and he made us a promise. God will do what He promised even if we do not do what we said we will do. The world is not going to teach people how to be saved from hell. As humans we could not teach the paper how to hold up the books. We put tape on the paper and made different structures that were able to hold up the books. However, God has given each human a brain, and we are able to choose life or death. Making a statement of faith is the first step to learning how to be saved by grace through faith.

The horizontal teaching pattern began in the beginner's lessons. The vertical teaching pattern will continue to be used in the 30 (5x6 the pattern will repeat six more times) intermediate lessons.

Method 1. HORIZONTAL PATTERN - Each of the 7 chapters in The Pattern of Sound

Teaching has the same five sections.

1. Can I be good without God?

2. Can I be awakened?

3. Can I be a witness or a defendant in the court case?

4. Can I be a witness and be saved?

5. Can I be a defendant and choose wrath?

Method 2. VERTICAL PATTERN - Themes in The Pattern of Sound Teaching

1. Faith

2. Grace

3. Mercy

4. Repenting

5. Covenant

6. Holy Spirit

7. word of God

Method 3. VERTICAL PATTERN - A church from Revelation to represent each theme

(chapter) of The Pattern of Sound Teaching

1. Faith ~ Laodicea.

2. Grace ~ Ephesus.

3. Mercy ~ Smyrna.

4. Repent ~ Pergamos.

5. Covenant ~ Thyatira.

6. Holy Spirit ~ Sardis.

7. Word of God Philadelphia.

Method 4. VERTICAL PATTERN - Each theme and church includes a message of how to love.

1. Faith was the foundation

2. love God

3. love your neighbor

4. love your enemy

5. love your spouse

6. love your family

7. love the word of God


“Because the Old Testament is a tricky subject, what methods can teachers use to develop lessons that will teach students to have faith in the Old Testament?” ~ Melody

"Realize the need to have a standard with rules that can allow us to restore relationships with the creator!" ~ Melody of Churches Island

"The Pattern of Sound Teaching is a pattern that uses 31 books of the Old Testament to teach a standard to sacrifice against today." ~ Melody of Churches Island

"Now we are no longer sacrificing against the law of Moses. We are to make laws with a Holy Spirit to sacrifice against. When we do this, we need to say AMEN to a standard. The intermediate lessons are taught with The Pattern of Sound Teaching, and we can use The Pattern of Sound Teaching as an outline to help set standards that we can say AMEN to and sacrifice against" ~ Melody of Churches Island

"We have to make laws that are embedded with justice for all people to give people faith to sacrifice revenge and forgive others. We are now to make laws and forgive sin. The veil was torn that separated people. When we look at the sacrifice Christ made, we are being taught how to sacrifice" ~ Melody of Churches Island

"The main thought is not to fear being a light to people who are not sacrificing unintentional sin because God is a just God and He will serve justice in the end." ~ Melody of Churches Island

"You may escape justice on Earth, but nobody will escape justice in Heaven." ~ Melody of Churches Island

"We all have free will." ~ Melody of Churches Island

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